Monday, October 13, 2008

Scary and Hopefully Over Soon

So things have been a little tough around our house the last week. Skylier was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy last Thursday. It really puts things in perspective. He has complete paralysis of the right side of his face. It started with cold sores, then pink eye (which I got) and then within a few days we knew something was really wrong. Joe's brother-in-law (doctor) was so nice to see Sky at his house at 10:30 at night. The good news is 95% of the time symptoms subside and most patients have a complete or almost complete recovery. The frustrating and scary part is it can be permanent. We aren't dwelling on that, but it's very hard for him. He can hardly eat, your lips and jaw muscles play a big part in that. Talking is difficult since almost all pronunciation comes from the lips. His eye sight and hearing are very hypersensitive. The medication he takes makes him hungry, which makes the inability to eat even worse. He has had all the soup he can handle. He was sent home form work today because the lights and noise give him a terrible headache. He can't move his eye lid, so it's hard to sleep and his eye becomes dry and sensitive. We have eye drops now and are trying to tape his eye shut at night. It is a helpless feeling knowing how scared and miserable he is, and I can do nothing. Everyday we monitor the muscle movement, or lack of it, and are hoping his eye lids don't get worse. He thinks they are. The paralysis can't be spread since it's a unilateral inflamed nerved, so at least there is no concern of that. I will keep babying him, and trying to come up with more food that he can eat. I wont post pics, don't think that would help his self esteem. I hope this post serves as only a bad experience, that passes. But it does remind me how unbelievably lucky we are to have our health. I love him very much and am praying for a speedy recovery. Normal recovery is 2 weeks to 3 months and up to a year. Were sure hoping for 2 weeks, his birthday is November 6th... Sad if he can't have a good b-day dinner. Wish him luck!


Mike,Shar,Ryan,Rex said...

I am so sorry for him, it is never fun to be sick and diagnosed with something that can be so serious. Us utleys will be praying hard for him. I hope everything else is going well for you guys.

Heather said...

I'm so sorry. We're praying for you both. Hope it gets better really fast!

Kate Call said...

how scary crystal!! it looks like this post is a couple of days old.. so hopefully he is feeling better! we will be keeping him in our prayers for sure! what a scary thing, but hopefully it will pass soon and he will make a complete recovery! how lucky he is to have you to take care of him and worry so much about him and love him so much! keep us updated for sure